The charity’s key objectives are to:

  • Identify the individual’s needs
  • Provide an information, advice and support service to those affected by Autism and Asperger’s syndrome
  • Provide a positive environment to support the individual’s personal, emotional and social wellbeing
  • Develop and continually reinforce essential social skills
  • Deliver an Autism specific Learning Programme of activities to engage these individuals whilst also teaching social skills, key skills and independent living-skills
  • Provide an Autism specific 1:1 Outreach service in order to meet the needs of our client group
  • Offer an Autism specific Supported Employment Programme, providing the opportunity of exploring potential employment with support
  • Provide Autism Awareness Training and organise conferences for parents, carers, teachers, social and health care professionals
  • Promote the social inclusion of adults with Autism through increased participation within local communities
  • Develop a range of social enterprise initiatives, including our charity shop
  • Facilitate involvement of parents/carers to insure successful transference of skills to residential, training and employment environments
  • Work in partnership with other organisations and professionals to promote awareness of Autistic
  •  Spectrum Conditions (ASCs), developing a network of support and providing progression routes for our client group
  • Explore the development of suitable supported accommodation for adults with an ASC.


Details of the main activities that contribute to the achievement of the stated objectives:

  • Empower and enable adults with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome to lead a more independent lifestyle and integrate into the community
  • Increase their self confidence, social and interpersonal skills
  • Increase opportunities for training and work placement leading to employment
  • Promote educational attainment of this client group
  • Encourage meaningful engagement and social inclusion, leading to a reduction in criminal or antisocial activity
  • Increase awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions such as Asperger’s syndrome
  • Strengthen our provision in order to ensure that we are an effective community organisation
  • Liaise with other voluntary and statutory organisations.


Read more about the work that we are doing with Specialist Autism Services by clicking here.